The PUTinCoin MULTIWALLET offers a lot of benefits:
First of all, you can now take your beloved PUTinCoins with you, wherever you go!
Secondly, the PUTinCoin MULTIWALLET is called that way, because you can also store BTC, LTC, DOGE and DASH on it. And new other cryptocurrencies will be added by the future updates, which are about to come.
And the third benefit may seem the most IMPORTANT: You can now PAY with your PUTinCoins!! Therefore the new PUTinCoin.store will be released in September 2022, where you will be able to buy interesting goods and services as well as PUTinCoin memorabilia with your VERY OWN PUTinCoins!!
Stay tuned and be sure to have enough PUTinCoins on your Multiwallet when the PUTinCoin.store launches!!
Hi PUTinCoiners, this is the programmer of the PUTinCoin Multiwallet. I am happy, that I now can finally present it to you. Please give me feedback or write me, if you discover any error or problem with the Multiwallet. This is my email: [email protected]